Mannish Boy / I'm A Man Harmonica Lesson

Mannish Boy / I'm A Man Harmonica Lesson

Learn how to play two great harp riffs that are very similar, Mannish Boy and I'm A Man

Mannish Boy / I'm a Man Riff Transcribed For Harmonica

Lesson Info

Difficulty: Medium
Lesson Length: 7:48
Instructor: George Goodman

Gear Used

Hohner Specail 20

I am using a D harmonica played in second position for this riff. This one is a Hohner Special 20.

Musical Challenges

Single notes, targeted bending and getting a big fat sound.

Playing single notes and Breathing Techniques are all covered in Harmonica Essentials - Check out the course material here: Harmonica Essentials Course

Bent Harmonica

For help with bending, check out Bent Harmonica.

eBook and Video Get You Bending Like Crazy - FREE.

* Wail Blues and Rock Riffs
* Graduate From Oh Suzanna to Sunshine of Your Love
* Enable the Warmth of the Bottom End
* Gain Confidence Soloing

BENT HARMONICA INCLUDES – Mechanics, Technique, Fine-tuning, and Exercises To Get You Bending the Heck Out of Your Harp

Video Timeline


The riffs demonstrated in this lesson are taken from a couple of songs that are very simiilar.

Mannish Boy was recorded by Muddy Waters.

I'm A Man was recorded by Bo Diddley.

Both of these songs employ a version of this riff.

Gear Required


I'm going to demonstrate this riff in the key of A.
The harmonica part that I'm demonstrating is played in second position and so we'll use a D harmonica for this.

The Hohner Special 20 is my harmonica of choice.
D Hohner Special 20

Harmonica Tabs

The notes that make up this lick are the first 3 notes of the Blues Scale.
Some bending will be required. In particular, we need to have a target single bend on draw 3.

Bo Diddley Riff
-2 4 -3b -2

Muddy Waters Riff
-2 4 3 -3b-2

Bent Harmonica

For help with bending, check out Bent Harmonica.

eBook and Video Get You Bending Like Crazy

* Wail Blues and Rock Riffs
* Graduate From Oh Suzanna to Sunshine of Your Love
* Enable the Warmth of the Bottom End
* Gain Confidence Soloing

BENT HARMONICA INCLUDES – Mechanics, Technique, Fine-tuning, and Exercises To Get You Bending the Heck Out of Your Harp

Things To Note

This was recorded in Qualicum Beach, British Columbia in 2016.

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Right on. See you in the next one.



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2 responses to “Mannish Boy / I’m A Man Riff on Harmonica”

  1. Warren Hunt says:

    George this is a great lesson that all blues players should know.

  2. George says:

    Hi Warren. Agreed. These riffs need to be in your bag of tricks and licks for sure.

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