Run Through The Jungle Harmonica Riffs

Heart Of Gold Harmonica Solos

Let's go over each of the three harmonica solos in Neil Young's classic Heart Of Gold.

Heart of Gold Harmonica Solos

Lesson Info

Difficulty: Light

Lesson Length: 5:01

Instructor: George Goodman

Help File

Gear Used

HohnerSpecial20CLargeG Hohner Special 20

Heart Of Gold is played in first position on the harmonica.
The song is in the key of G which will require a G harmonica.

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Video Info

Neil Young's Heart Of Gold is one of the most recognizable songs on guitar and harmonica.

I have demonstrated the guitar part and we jammed through it in an earlier video: Heart Of Gold on Guitar and Harmonica.

In this video, I want to concentrate on the three harmonica solos.

In the video and in the harmonica tabs, which you can find under the Help Files tab above, the harmonica solos are explained as single notes.

Neil often is not playing single notes however. His style of playing is looser and leans to playing chords or more than one note at a time.

So in the harmonica tabs and in the lesson, the note that is shown is the main melodic note and the one to shoot for. If you end up also playing a note on either side of the target note, you should be golden.

Single notes are note required here but the tabs are supplied as single notes as guidance.

Have fun. Let me know how you make out. Leave a comment.

Peace. Stay in tune.



HohnerSpecial20CLargeG Hohner Special 20

Heart Of Gold is played in first position on the harmonica.
The song is in the key of G which will require a G harmonica.

Get a Special 20

Things To Note

This was recorded in Nanaimo, British Columbia a decade or so ago

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Right on. See you in the next one.



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