Want to leave a testimonial?
Send me an email at george@harpnguitar.com and include a musical photo of yourself plus the city where you live and join these fine folks who are benefiting from Harp ‘N’ Guitar membership.
Harp ‘N’ Guitar is an excellent method to develop guitar skills as well as acquiring a unique aptitude; playing guitar along with the harmonica.
A few months ago I purchased George’s book, Guitar and Harmonica Method, which I found very useful and interesting as it was written with a lot of humour. However, this series of videos not only explains the basics (important to understand why we do certain things in music) but also is much more extensive in its range and depth of the subjects. I don’t believe there is anything out there that even attempts to compete with it.
Kevin Murphy – Dunure, Scotland

I’m a beginner harmonica player and the Harp ‘N’ Guitar website has helped me tremendously already!
George shows you the difference between harmonicas and what keys they come in and how to choose a decent one. George tells you how your posture should be, how to hold the harmonica and tells you how to breathe while playing. This course is a must for beginners in my opinion! Like he says In his video of practice tips always carry your harmonica with you. Well I always do, even while I’m at work!
Johnny Alexander – Grand Ledge Michigan

Hi George,
I owe you the credits for my first stage performance.
I’m an advanced beginner on bluesharp, essentially focusing on techniques, not on performing.
Locally, every month we have a “Cover Sessions” where local, amateur, hobby and experienced musicians come together to cover mainstream songs. Last month the Band’s ‘The Weight’ was on the list. Your lesson on Youtube and GeorgeGoodman.com enabled me to master this song on harp, adjust it a little and join the musicians on stage.
Your new site HarpNGuitar.com helps me to connect guitar chords to what to play on harp. Essential for those songs where only guitar tabs are available.
Thanks, keep up the good work and best regards,
Mathieu van Schaik – Maarn, The Netherlands
Hi Mr.Goodman, l wished I have met you 35yrs ago, up to last month I couldn’t play a single song. But until recently I searched about ten plus websites which show people how to play guitar, among which U have given me an insight that tough me to play a couple of songs right a way Indeed I need a mentor like u. I would like to join an one year course. Guitar n harmonica. I need to start from the beginning. May be I can go thru the early stages quickly. I still many questions in my mind, such as when I come across problems when studying the video. Can I raise questions? On websites or on phone? Will be extra charges?