Sound Great On Guitar and Harmonica
Free musical instruction to help you sound great on Harp N Guitar
Harp N Guitar Free Music Lessons
Become The Musician You Want To Be. Become a Harp N Guitarist.
Harp N Guitar Video Series
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Step-by-step high-def videos provide the foundation and building blocks you need to quickly learn how to play the harmonica and guitar, both separately and together, to play melodies and solos confidently on the harmonica to a rhythm acoustic accompaniment.
The Harp N Guitar program is arranged into video series that follow a logical learning progression allowing you to focus in on a particular aspect of learning harmonica and guitar.

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HarpNGuitar Testimonials
"Got a bend first day. Over the next few days got lots more, just need to get a bit more control over hole 3 but its coming. George is the best teacher I’ve ever seen."
Tony Smith
"George you are a good teacher! Maybe for me it’s easier to understand your comments ‘cause I used to play music as well. But I can judge what is important or just a sales talk.
For beginners you fully explain what’ going on. I’m happy that I found you."
"The whole course is just incredible. Really enjoying the blues lessons and jumping over and playing some songs as well. Great stuff George!"
Thanks man! This is a great lesson. I looked at others before I found yours and yours really puts it all together in a way that suits my learning style.
Jon Drayna
I’ve been working on Neil Young’s ‘Heart of Gold’. You made it very fun, easy and enjoyable to work on. Thank you very much.
George – this is a really great lesson! Showing the strumming pattern was great. Thanks so much!
K West