C F G Chord Progression

C F C G - I IV I V Chord Progression

Let's put our chords together in a nice and easy 8 bar progression

Difficulty: Challenging to switch quickly between chords

Lesson Length: 3:19

Instructor: George Goodman

* Three chord progression
* Singing root note of each chord
* Switching chords


In this exercise, practice alternating between C, F and G in an 8 bar progression.
Ear training continues as with all exercises. Try singing the roots of the chords as you go.

C F C G Progression
Play 2 bars of C, then 2 bars of F, back to C for 2 bars, and then 2 bars of G. Repeat.
Strum slowly, aim for clean sounding chords, and sing the root notes.

That's a simple progression using the I, IV and V chords. So many songs utilize these three chords in some form so learn to switch between C, F and G.

Guitar Chords

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