Johnny Cash - I Walk The Line

John Prine - Angel From Montgomery

John Prine might not be the most well-known artist but he's written some great songs.
I love this one and put my own spin on it.
Lyrics, chords, guitar and harmonica tabs are provided to help sound great.

John Prine Angel From Montgomery Lesson on Guitar and Harmonica

Lesson Info

Difficulty: Can be played with different rhythms which influence difficulty.

Lesson Length: 13:01

Instructor: George Goodman

Angel From Montgomery has a basic chord progression but watch out for the 7th measure.

The strumming pattern can be kept simple to start. I show you how to play a Travis Finger Style picking pattern to increase the challenge.

Second position harp can really wail on this one. I like to open it up at the end for some fun.

Help File

Help File: The following link supplies the chords, picking patterns, harmonica tabs and lyrics - For educational purposes only.
Angel From Montgomery Chords, Lyrics and Tabs download pdf link

Recommended Gear

takamine-eg541sc acoustic guitar

Takamine EG541SC
I am playing my black tak in this one.

This is a Takamine G Series EG541SC bought in North Carolina when I was playing in a band called Double Take.
Top - Solid Spruce
Back - Nato
Sides - Nato
Finger Board - Rosewood
Electronics - TK40
Finish - Gloss Black
Check out more Takamine G Series Guitars

Hohner Special 20Hohner Special 20 Diatonic Harmonica in C

A C harmonica played in second position works great on this.
I am playing a Hohner Special 20 in this one.
On Sale Here

Hohner Harmonica HolderHohner Harmonica Holder

The Hohner Harmonica Neck Holder fits harmonicas up to 7-1/2" long.

With a long-lasting nickel-plated finish, this harmonica rack is adjustable and fits any neck shape.


Musical Challenges

The guitar part can have varying degrees of difficulty.

The harmonica part played here is second position including bending.

Guitar - Chords: Nothing too tricky here. The chords are common. F sucks.

We can expand our rhythm guitar playing by adding some Travis Style finger picking.
If you need help here, check out your membership video series Harp N Guitar Guitar Essentials, Guitar Chords, Rhythm Guitar and Strumming and Finger Picking.

For Harmonica - Second Position and Bending: There isn't harmonica in the original recording so I came up with something I like. I usually play something a little different every time I play this song.

Getting a good handle on your Blues scale and learning licks will help with your improvisation. There's lots of good lessons in the membership section to help including The Blues for Harp N Guitar and Bent Harmonica.

Video Timeline

1:06 - Guitar Chords Progression

G MajorC MajorD Major

G MajorF Major 1st fretC Major

1:24 - G Major Picking Pattern

G Major Picking Pattern

2:20 - C Major Picking Pattern

C Major Picking Pattern

3:07 - D Major Picking Pattern

D Major Picking Pattern

4:38 - F Major Picking Pattern

F Major Picking Pattern
This is the same right hand pattern as the G Major picking pattern.

6:00 - Harmonica Selection

The song is in the key of G but I'm going to play in 2nd position.
So go up a fourth from G or one step around the circle of fourths which puts us at C.
A C harmonica is used for playing in second position when the key of the song is G.

6:21 - Harmonica Solo Tabs

-2 -3 -4
5 4

8:38 - Play Along

Join me for a complete run through of Angel From Montgomery with harmonica intro, breaks and solo.

That's all for this one.

Stay In Tune. Peace.

The entire HarpNGuitar website is free to all and viewer supported through contributions to George's Tip Jar.

For all contributions, a heartfelt thanks.

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