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Takamine EG541SC
I am playing my black tak in this one.
This is a Takamine G Series EG541SC bought in North Carolina when I was playing in a band called Double Take.
Top - Solid Spruce
Back - Nato
Sides - Nato
Finger Board - Rosewood
Electronics - TK40
Finish - Gloss Black
Check out more Takamine G Series Guitars
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5 Pack Case of Hohner Special 20s
The Hohner Special Case consists of 5 Special 20 harmonicas in the most popular keys: G, A, C, D, and E.
What do I like about the Special 20s?
Great Sound, Smooth Comb, Responsive to Bending - but not loose, Affordable. I play Special 20s more than any other model.
What do I like about the Special 20s?
Great Sound, Smooth Comb, Responsive to Bending - but not loose, Affordable. I play Special 20s more than any other model.
Hohner Harmonica Holder
The Hohner Harmonica Neck Holder fits harmonicas up to 7-1/2" long, has a nickel plated finish and fits any neck shape.
I have used a similar holder for over 25 years. This no-nonsense holder will work for you.
Martin Acoustic Guitar Strings
Martin M140 Light Acoustic Guitar Strings have an 80/20 composition for brilliance, clarity, and longevity of sound and Studio-quality performance.
If it's been a while since you've changed your strings, you won't believe the difference in the sound. These are some excellent Martin strings. Need I say more? Totally affordable.
If it's been a while since you've changed your strings, you won't believe the difference in the sound. These are some excellent Martin strings. Need I say more? Totally affordable.