The Good The Bad and The Ugly

The Good The Bad and The Ugly - Ennio Morricone

The classic riff transcribed and demonstrated for harmonica.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by Ennio Morricone Transcribed For Harmonica

Lesson Info

Difficulty: Single notes sound best
Lesson Length: 5:09
Instructor: George Goodman

Help File

The following link supplies the chords, lyrics and the harmonica tabs for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Harmonica Tabs download pdf link

Gear Used

Hohner Specail 20

I am using a C harmonica played in third position for this one. That puts us in a minor key; D minor to be exact . This one is a Hohner Special 20.

Musical Challenges

Single notes sound best here. The Lip Pucker technique is the way to go for that.

High notes can be challenging and you want to avoid a thin sound. Support from the diaphragm makes the higher octave versions fuller.

Playing single notes and Breathing Techniques are all covered in Harmonica Essentials - Check out the course material here: Harmonica Essentials Course

Video Timeline


Here is a harmonica lesson covering the awesome lick to the theme song for the movie The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.
The theme song and movie score were composed by Ennio Morricone.

Grab a copy of the harmonica tabs from the Help File link above.

0:47 - Harmonica Key and Tabs

The song is in the key of D minor so we will use a C harmonica which puts us in third position which works well with songs in a minor key.

The two challenges to playing this riff are the rapid alternation between draw 6 and draw 8 as well as playing single notes.

This riff can also be played down the octave but requires a double bend on draw 3. That's for another lesson.

Peace. Stay in tune.  George

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