Chords in E

Chords in the Key of E

Let’s look at the chords in the key of E Major.

Difficulty: Advanced beginner

Lesson Length: 4:44

Instructor: George Goodman

* Circle of 5ths
* E Major key signature
* E Major scale
* Chords in the key of E Major

Guitar Chords in the Key of E

E Major Key Signature

E Major ScaleGoing from the key of D to the key of A, we added a third sharp to the key signature, G#.
Now going up another 5th from A to E, we add a fourth sharp to the key signature, the 7th note of our new scale, D#.
So the key signature of E is four sharps, F#, C#, G# and D# and the notes that make up the E major scale are E, F#, G#, A, B, C# and D#.

Guitar Chords in E

E Major Guitar Chord DiagramF sharp minorG sharp minor 4th fretA Major
B Major Guitar Chord DiagramB7 guitar chord diagramB7 Bar Chord DiagramC#m bar 4th fretD# dim

Guitar chord diagrams above and degree of scale, chord name and notes below make up the key of E Major.
I Major = E Major - E G# B
ii minor = F# minor - F# A C#
iii minor = G# minor - G# B D#
IV Major = A Major - A C# E
V Major = B Major - B D# F#
V7 = B7 - B D# F# A
vi minor = C# minor - C# E G#
vii- = D#- - D# F# A

Guitar Chords

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